Monday 27 February 2012

So blessed with freecycle today. got a free mid-sleeper bed for my kids and a hoover. Just prayed for money to buy new vacuum and so blessed with free one.God is Great! another blessing my sister just got back from holidays and got so much presents.Yey! will post pix soon. Blessings!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Oh dear! It's only February and i already have broken my new years resolution.I planned not to be sick for work this 2012 and here i am already 2 days off sick. Well, to be fair,i did try. But to have my 3 kids coughing and not to mention my dear hubby, it was a real challenge not to be infected.So there I was dreading the much hated phone call to my boss.She wasn't pleased at all, of course that quite obvious. I work in the operating room dept. or theatres here in the UK.And it isn't that easy to find cover for staff sickness nowadays.Well,i did what i could do.Blame it to winter and poor immune system.*sigh*

Oh, i forgot about the worst thing ever..the much dreaded back to work interview.Blimey! Wish i just went to work sick =(

Tuesday 14 February 2012

my 1st attempt @ crafting

Finally, had the time to do my first craft. I'm a bit surprised with the flow of ideas.This board which i repurposed , will definitely save me hours of frustration from remembering important dates. Hopefully, it works out well. I did enjoy doing this much to my surprise. Now, thinking of what to do next.Maybe a little project that won't overwhelm a newbie like me. Indeed, God blesses the work of our hands. Praise God!

Monday 13 February 2012

Spring...will you come and visit soon ,

This winter has been horribly harsh and unforgiving. The flu virus seems to have evolved and is seemingly getting resistant to the GPs antibiotics. Wonder if the flu jab would be worth having this coming winter??? 

That's why i am counting the days till spring comes. Not to mention the much awaited car boot sales..Aaaggghhh! Unfortunately due the recessions turn for the worst. My hubby has told me that this year is the demise of my fave hobby. Much more cruel than winter i think. Oh dear,i forgot all about Faithful Stewardship. This year would definitely be like a year of rehab for my poor car booting spirit =(  

Out of desperation, i have discovered and fallen in love with BLOGS..Yup! as weird as it may seem, i now admittingly must say that i spent hours and sleepless nights reading blogs of all sorts.Haha! And to satisfy my new found joy, I am even trying to create my blog.

A newbie to this,please forgive me for my future blog fails.haha!.. if someone would be willing to read this.

Oh well,just thought i'd find a way to release all my thoughts and ideas.Or my poor old brain might just give up on me.till them. Ta!