Monday 13 February 2012

Spring...will you come and visit soon ,

This winter has been horribly harsh and unforgiving. The flu virus seems to have evolved and is seemingly getting resistant to the GPs antibiotics. Wonder if the flu jab would be worth having this coming winter??? 

That's why i am counting the days till spring comes. Not to mention the much awaited car boot sales..Aaaggghhh! Unfortunately due the recessions turn for the worst. My hubby has told me that this year is the demise of my fave hobby. Much more cruel than winter i think. Oh dear,i forgot all about Faithful Stewardship. This year would definitely be like a year of rehab for my poor car booting spirit =(  

Out of desperation, i have discovered and fallen in love with BLOGS..Yup! as weird as it may seem, i now admittingly must say that i spent hours and sleepless nights reading blogs of all sorts.Haha! And to satisfy my new found joy, I am even trying to create my blog.

A newbie to this,please forgive me for my future blog fails.haha!.. if someone would be willing to read this.

Oh well,just thought i'd find a way to release all my thoughts and ideas.Or my poor old brain might just give up on me.till them. Ta!


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't know what I would do if I had to give up going to the thrift stores. My habit is supplemented by my Ebay sales. If I don't sell, I can't shop! Hope you haven't caught the flu. I wonder about the shot too as everyone in my family got poked last fall and we all were sick last week. It was terrible

  2. Cheers Becky! me too, i was so upset when winter came,the end of thrifting. plus,my hubby does not support the fact that i like to thrift.Well, he means well.i really liked your blog.Wishing you an abundance in sales this coming 2012.Cheers to girl power <3
